Interpretation & Translation Services

Chinese and English are completely different kinds of languages. Their pronunciations, structures and grammars are quite different. These differences cause gaps and barriers between so that a huge amount of people from these two language backgrounds can’t pursue conversation, understanding and communication each other so that their life styles, life scopes, career expansions and culture integrations have been significantly restricted and limited.

I has been doing Mandarin and English interpretation and translation services for over 15 years. My services are professional, high efficient, and quality-guaranteed.


Introduction of Interpretation and Translation Services in Uppertrans

Celebrate Chinese New Year 2022 and New Year’s Expectation in Uppertrans


Up-to-date skills, strategies and growing clients group

The testimonial showed that I was working with an interpretation project between BentoBox, an website design technical group and the client, a Chinese restaurant owner, Mr. Dong


** All clients have to pay 50% estimate of total amount before the project starts. The project will not be started until the deposit is received.

** All delayed payments after scheduled pay date on the 30-day Invoice notice will be given extra 15% late fees of total amount. An instant service for an urgent project needs to be paid immediately or at the same day after the project is done. Venmo and Zelle transfer are both accepted.

Interpretation Services: Mandarin Chinese to English or English to Mandarin

  • The minimum 2 hours is required for an in-person services. The minimum 1 hour is required for a virtual meeting service.

  • The charge is $150/p.h. for general meeting conferences, live chat and webinar (non-industry based).

  • The charge is $450/p.h. or above for laws, medical field, chemistry, engineering, IT, SEO, or business communications, webinar, industrial courses. Terminologies interpretation: Each word is charged $0.35/per. word. per. min.

  • The extra fee would be charged in every 15 minutes increasing time periods.

Translation Services: Mandarin Chinese to English or English to Mandarin Chinese

  • The minimum charge is one page of $100/p.p.: Government letters, notices, bills and orders, tickets

  • Diplomas and Certificates without extensive formatting: $100/p.p.

  • Diplomas and Certificate with extensive Formatting: Special font, Format or Table design will charge 25-50% more of the regular quote of $100/p.p.

    Standard table: Each page is limited to have 3 tables at the most and each table has the maximum of 3 columns and 3 rows. Each row/column should have the maximum of 5 English/Chinese words , the extra 25% of the regular quote

    would be added when each row or column would be added.

  • The minimum charge is $200/per page or above for laws, medical field, chemistry, engineering, chemistry, IT, SEO, prenuptial agreement, divorce agreement, business communications or other scientific and industry fields.

  • 24-hour translation acceleration fee would be 100% of total amount: 48-hour translation acceleration fee would be 75% of total amount; 72-hour translation acceleration fee would be 50% of total amount.

** The minimum charge is $100 for an email written less than 20 lines and $ 150 for a phone conversation less than 10 minutes (including one-way to the third party and three-lines phone conversation). The extra charge will be given based on the time length of interpretation or translation services described above. The 100% acceleration fee would be charged for any urgent projects which need to be handled immediately.

Video and audio translation/interpretation services

  • Transcript services would charge the same rate as the Translation Services provided above

  • Subtitle services has minimum charge of $75/per.hour.

  • 24-hour translation acceleration fee would be 100% of total amount: 48-hour translation acceleration fee would be

    75% of total amount; 72-hour translation acceleration fee would be 50% of total amount.

Discounts and Special

*Referrals, recurring services and contracted clients would get discounts.

* Holiday specials are provided based on the projects.

*No sign language and other local dialogues provided.

Note: All pricing above may vary based on the projects and economic situation changes.